Deb 04 March 1924 vol 56 cc533-4

The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House that His Majesty had (by Commission) revoked certain Letters Patent and had appointed the Duke of Devonshire, the Lord Kintore (E. Kintore), the Lord Granard (E. Granard), the Earl Waldegrave, the Earl of Clarendon, the Viscount Hutchinson (E. Donoughmore), the Earl Beauchamp, the Earl of Birkenhead, the Viscount. Haldane, the Viscount Cave, the Viscount Finlay, the Lord Ribblesdale, the Lord Denman, the Lord Hylton, the Lord Herschell, the Lord Stanmore. the Lord Colebrooke, the Lord Sumner, the Lord Buckmaster, the Lord Muir Mackenzie, and any person who shall have been Chairman of Committees, or any one of them, Speakers of the House in the absence of the Lord Chancellor: The said Commission was read.