Deb 04 April 1805 vol 4 c209

The royal assent by Commission was given to the Customs Duty, Excise Duty, Legacy Duty, and eleven private bills.— A Copy of the Letter from Viscount Melville to the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry, together with the answer of the Commissioners, were presented at the bar, and ordered to be printed. —Lord Hawkesbury moved the Order of the day, for the commitment of the English Militia Enlisting bill. The house having resolved itself into a committee, he moved, if noble lords had not objections to propose to any of the clauses, that the bill should be read short, which was accordingly done, and an order made, on the motion of his lordship, that it be read a third time on Monday.—Lord King wished to asked of the noble secretary of state, whether it was the intention of his majesty's Ministers to propose any bill for prolonging the commission of naval enquiry, which, owing to the arrangements that had been adopted for the opening of the present session, would expire with the session? If ministers did not think preper to renew a commission, from which so much advantage had been derived to the Public, he would feel it incumbent on him to bring forward a bill to that effect. Lord Hawkesbury was not aware that his majesty's ministers had come to any determination on the subject, but he understood, from What had passed in another place, that time would be allowed to them to finish the important enquiries in which they were engaged.—The Irish militia enlisting bill, and several private bills, were brought up from the commons. The Irish Militia enlisting bill was read a-first time, and, on the motion of lord Hawkesbury, ordered to be read a second time on Monday.— On the commitment of the American ships licence bill, lord Sheffield expressed his disapprobation of the principle of the bill, and protested against extending such advantages to foreign ship owners, when the ship owners of this country were, many of them, notoriously in a state. of insolvence, occasioned, by want of employment for their tonnage. It was not, however, his intention ,to divide the house on the bill. The was then reported.—Adjourned.