HL Deb 27 October 2004 vol 665 c1336

(1) The registrar—

  1. (a) shall make the register available for inspection by the public at all reasonable times, and
  2. (b) shall provide a copy of an entry in the register to any person who requests it.

(2) But the Secretary of State may by regulations—

  1. (a) provide that information of a specified kind shall not be made available for inspection under subsection (1)(a) and shall be omitted from copies provided under subsection (1)(b);
  2. (b) require the payment of a specified fee as a precondition of the provision of a copy under subsection (1)(b).

(3) Regulations under subsection (2)(a) may make provision by reference to a request of a registered individual."

After Clause 5, insert the following new clause—