HL Deb 12 January 2004 vol 657 cc376-7

3.9 p.m.

Baroness Rawlings asked Her Majesty's Government:

What assistance they are offering to the reconstruction effort in Bam, Iran, in the aftermath of last month's earthquake.

Baroness Amos

My Lords, we responded immediately with the deployment of search and rescue teams and £150,000 to the International Federation of the Red Cross. We sent 450 winter tents and shelter materials, funded two transport planes for internal movement of relief items and funded 20,000 doses of tetanus vaccines for the World Health Organisation. In total, we have provided some £900,000-worth of assistance. We are now considering contributions to the appeals of the United Nations and the International Federation of the Red Cross that will address immediate rehabilitation needs.

Baroness Rawlings

My Lords, I thank the Minister for her very full reply. As we did not have a Statement in your Lordships' House on the earthquake in Bam, I am so pleased that we won the topical Question today to give the Minister a chance to say something about this disaster. How long do Her Majesty's Government plan to maintain a presence in the country to help with the longer-term effects of the earthquake disaster?

Baroness Amos

My Lords, on the first comment of the noble Baroness, there was a full Written Ministerial Statement to Parliament on 5 January, which I hope she saw. It was repeated for this House.

Our ongoing commitment to the effects of the disaster will be done through our contributions to the UN appeal and the appeal from the International Federation of the Red Cross. The noble Baroness will be aware that we have no bilateral programme with Iran. It is a middle-income country. But we recognise that a substantial reconstruction effort will need to be undertaken. Of course we hope that the World Bank will also play a role.

Lord Hunt of Chesterton

My Lords, do the Government agree that the United Kingdom is in a position to provide excellent technical advice and practical help with new designs and construction kits for the reconstruction of buildings? Will the Government be providing funds for disaster prevention in Barn and other areas of the world that are sensitive to natural disasters? I declare an interest as a member of the advisory committee on natural disasters.

Baroness Amos

My Lords, as I think I made clear in my opening Answer, we have not yet made a decision on the form that our medium-term support will take. It will partly be dependent on the two appeals that have been made, but also on the support given by other countries.

My noble friend is quite right: we have a good deal of technical advice that could be helpful. We have already been asked if we would supply mobile homes. Turkey has supplied some 900. We shall look at all requests and at the balance being provided by other donors, and make a decision accordingly.