Lords Sitting of 21 December 2004 Series 5 Vol. 667

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc1649-52
  3. Cashpoint Machines: Security 1,552 words
  4. cc1652-5
  5. Consultants: Cost 1,233 words
  6. cc1655-7
  7. Gypsies and Irish Travellers: Census Category 1,256 words
  8. cc1657-66
  9. Infant Death Cases: Attorney-General's Review 4,744 words
  10. cc1667-746
  11. Administration and Works Committee 13,351 words, 2 divisions
    1. cc1693-9
    2. Environmental Information Regulations 2004 3,188 words
    3. cc1700-6
    4. Electricity and Gas (Energy Efficiency Obligations) Order 2004 3,179 words
    5. cc1706-12
    6. Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004 3,344 words
    7. cc1713-7
    8. Regulatory Reform (Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971) (Directory Entries and Demands for Payment) Order 2004 2,133 words
    9. cc1717-40
    10. Gulf War Illnesses 11,454 words
    11. cc1740-6
    12. Adjournment 2,954 words