HL Deb 19 November 2003 vol 654 cc2027-8

56 After Clause 34, insert the following new clause—

"Conduct of elections

  1. (1) Regulations may make provision as to the conduct of elections for membership of the board of governors of an NHS foundation trust.
  2. (2) The regulations may in particular provide for—
    1. (a) nomination of candidates and obligations to declare their interests,
    2. (b) systems and methods of voting, and the allocation of places on the board of governors, at contested elections,
    3. (c) filling of vacancies,
    4. (d) supervision of elections,
    5. (e) election expenses and publicity,
    6. (f) questioning of elections and the consequences of irregularities.
  3. (3) An NHS foundation trust must secure that its constitution is in accordance with regulations under this section.
  4. (4) Pending the coming into force of regulations under this section, elections for membership of the board of governors of an NHS foundation trust, if contested, must be by secret ballot."

The Commons agree to this amendment with the following amendment—

56A Line 12, at end insert—

"( ) Regulations under this section may create offences punishable on summary conviction with a maximum fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale"

Lord Warner

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 56A to Lords Amendment No. 56.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 56A to Lords Amendment No. 56.—(Lord Warner.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.