HL Deb 13 November 2003 vol 654 cc1689-90

37 Clause 38, page 41, leave out lines 4 to 6 and insert—

( ) The Council shall exercise and perform its powers and duties in the manner which it considers is best calculated to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.

38 Page 41, line 13. after "or", insert "by"

39 Clause 42, page 47, line 5, after "or", insert "by"

40 Page 47, line 22, leave out "(3)" and insert "(4)"

41 Page 47, line 24, leave out "(3)" and insert "(4)"

42 Page 47, line 26, leave out "(3)" and insert "(4)"

43 Clause 47, page 57, line 36, leave out "such"

44 Clause 50, page 60, line 14, leave out "Office of Fair Trading" and insert "OFT"

45 Clause 57, page 71, line 8, leave out "14A and 14B" and insert "16A and 16B"

46 Clause 58, page 74, line 32, leave out "has been" and insert "is"

47 Page 74, line 35, leave out from "which" to "within" in line 36 and insert "such a direction may be given"

48 Clause 60, page 75, line 37, at end insert—

( ) Any such proceedings by the Assembly may be instituted and carried on in the name of the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water for Wales, if there is one (or, if subsection (1B)(b) above applies, in the name of the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water).

49 Page 76, leave out lines 3 to 5

Lord Whitty

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 37 to 49. Amendment No. 37 reshapes the sustainable development duty on the Consumer Council, bringing it into line with the duty imposed on the authority, and reconfirms our commitment to sustainable development, which all sides of the House welcomed as a feature throughout the passage of the Bill.

The remaining amendments, Amendments Nos. 38 to 49, are minor drafting amendments that tidy up and update the text of the Bill, and do not raise any substantive points.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 37 to 49.—(Lord Whitty.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.