Lords Sitting of 27 March 2002 Series 5 Vol. 633

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc223-5
  3. Disabled Parking 1,252 words
  4. cc226-8
  5. Middle East 1,104 words
  6. cc228-30
  7. Foreign Languages 1,099 words
  8. cc230-2
  9. Castlereagh Police Station Break-in 628 words
  10. cc232-8
  11. Business of the House: Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill 2,969 words
  12. c238
  13. Business of the House: Debates this Day 61 words
  14. cc238-9
  15. Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee 465 words
  16. cc239-46
  17. Government Policy 3,609 words
  18. cc246-7
  19. Business of the House: Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill 334 words
  20. cc247-72
  21. Government Policy 12,727 words
  22. cc272-319
  23. Crime Reduction 24,648 words
  24. cc319-23
  25. Regulatory Reform (Golden Jubilee Licensing) Order 2002 2,421 words
  26. cc324-8
  27. Regulatory Reform (Voluntary Aided Schools Liabilities and Funding) (England) Order 2002 2,414 words
  28. cc329-48
  29. Dignity at Work Bill [H.L.] 9,942 words