HL Deb 17 January 2002 vol 630 cc1186-7

3.37 p.m.

Lord Carter

My Lords, it may be for the convenience of the House to know that the usual channels have come to an agreement about forthcoming recess dates. I am sure noble Lords will be glad to hear that I am now in a position to confirm that we shall have a break in February this year. I can announce not only the timing of that break but also the dates of the Easter and Whitsun recesses. As ever, all the dates are subject to the progress of business.

For the February break we shall rise at the end of business on Friday, 15th February, and return on Monday, 25th February. For Easter, we shall sit at 11 a.m. on Maundy Thursday, 28th March, and rise at the end of business that day. We shall return on Monday, 8th April. For Whitsun, we shall sit at 11 a.m. on Thursday, 30th May, and rise at the end of business. We shall return on Monday, 10th June. I have already been asked the dates of the summer and Christmas recesses. However, I am afraid that it is a little early to give those. I thank the usual channels for their co-operation, which has enabled me to make this announcement so far in advance.

Lord Cope of Berkeley

My Lords, after the noble Lord the Captain of the Gentlemen-at-Arms has given the House such a welcome present, it would seem entirely appropriate to wish him on behalf of these Benches, I am sure, of the whole House, and certainly of the usual channels, a very happy birthday.

Noble Lords

Hear, hear!

Lord Cope of Berkeley

My Lords, if the arithmetic is correct—I am not at all sure that it is—it is a significant birthday. More importantly, we wish him many happy returns both of this day and of these fits of generosity.

Lord Carter

My Lords, I am grateful to the noble Lord. Just to show that the Chief Whip has a heart, I would have made the announcement even if today had not been my birthday.