HL Deb 08 November 2000 vol 618 c1536

(" .—(1) This section applies where the Tribunal has directed under the provisions of section 31 that a disqualification order is to cease to have effect in respect of an individual.

(2) A relevant person may at any time apply to the Tribunal for the reinstatement of the disqualification order.

(3) An application under subsection (2) may only be granted if the Tribunal is satisfied, having regard to all the circumstances, that it is likely that the individual will commit a further offence against a child.

(4) Where the Tribunal reinstates an order under this section, it must state its reasons for doing so and cause those reasons to be included in the record of the proceedings.

(5) In this section, "relevant person" means—

  1. (a) the Secretary of State;
  2. (b) a superintendent of police; or
  3. (c) the director of social services of a local authority.").

The noble Baroness said: My Lords, I shall be very brief. As noble Lords will have noticed, another amendment has been tabled covering the same area of concern I have had throughout the passage of the Bill. Therefore, I shall not move Amendment No. 29. I am deeply grateful to the Government for their Amendment No. 30. I shall now sit down and wait for the noble Lord to introduce that amendment.

[Amendment No. 29 not moved.]

The Attorney-General (Lord Williams of Mostyn) moved Amendment No. 30: After Clause 33, insert the following new clause—