HL Deb 24 July 2000 vol 616 cc65-6

(" .—(1) If the person who is returned at an election as the elected mayor of a local authority is also returned at an election held at the same time as a councillor of the authority, a vacancy shall arise in the office of councillor.

(2) If the person who is returned at an election ("the mayoral election") as the elected mayor of a local authority—

  1. (a) is a councillor of the authority, and
  2. 66
  3. (b) was returned as such a councillor at an election held at an earlier time than the mayoral election,
a vacancy shall arise in the office of councillor.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), a person who is the elected mayor of a local authority may not be a candidate in an election for the return of a councillor or councillors of the authority.

(4) A person who is the elected mayor of a local authority may be a candidate in an election for the return of a councillor or councillors of the authority if the election is held at the same time as an election for the return of the elected mayor of the authority, but subsection (1) applies if he is a candidate in both such elections and he is returned both as the elected mayor and as a councillor.")

94 Clause 37, page 23, line 21, leave out subsection (2)

95 Clause 39, page 23, line 37, after ("election") insert ("for the return")

96 Clause 40, page 24, line 14, leave out ("the election expenses of candidates") and insert ("election expenses")

97 Page 24, line 26, after first ("or") insert ("any provision of")

98 Page 24, line 26, after ("enactment") insert ("(whenever passed or made)")

99 Page 24, line 33, at end insert ("or under")

100 Page 24, line 34, leave out ("Act") and insert ("Part")

101 Page 24, line 35, leave out (", or made under,")

102 Page 24, line 35, after ("enactment") insert ("(whenever passed or made)")

103 Clause 41, page 24, line 43, at end insert— ("() If the result of a referendum held by virtue of regulations or an order made under any provision of this Part is to approve the proposals to which the referendum relates, the local authority concerned must implement those proposals in accordance with any provision made by the regulations or order. () If the result of a referendum held by virtue of regulations or an order made under any provision of this Part is to reject the proposals to which the referendum relates, the local authority concerned may not implement those proposals but must instead comply with any provision made by the regulations or order.")

104 Page 25, line 8, leave out ("made by or under") and insert ("of")

105 Page 25, line 9, after ("enactment") insert ("(whenever passed or made)")

106 Page 25, line 15, at end insert— ("() about the limitation of expenditure in connection with a referendum (and the creation of criminal offences in connection with the limitation of such expenditure),")

107 Page 25, line 18, leave out paragraph (d) and insert— ("() as to when, where and how voting in a referendum is to take place, () as to how the votes cast in a referendum are to be counted, and")

108 Page 25, line 21, leave out ("this section") and insert ("subsections (1), (2) to (4) and (6)")

109 Page 25, line 22, leave out ("or 28")

110 Page 25, line 22, leave out ("under section 31 or 32") and insert ("or an order made under any provision of this Part")

Baroness Farrington of Ribbleton

My Lords, I beg to move that the House to agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 93 to 110.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 93 to 110.—(Baroness Farrington of Ribbleton.) On Question, Motion agreed to.