HL Deb 24 July 2000 vol 616 cc73-6

138 Page 28, line 26, at end insert ("of conduct or proposed revisions to such a model code")

139 Page 28, line 28, at end insert— ("() may be made to more than one body, () may be limited to particular descriptions of authority,")

140 Page 28, line 29, leave out ("code is") and insert ("proposals are")

141 Page 28, line 31, leave out ("codes, or different provisions of a code,") and insert ("proposals")

142 Page 28, line 33, leave out ("the representative concerned") and insert ("any body to which the invitation is made")

143 Clause 47, page 28, line 35, leave out ("each") and insert ("a")

144 Page 28, line 36, leave out ("an") and insert ("the first")

145 Page 28, line 40, leave out from ("conduct)") to end of line 41 and insert— ("(1A) It is the duty of a relevant authority, before the end of the period of six months beginning with the day on which any subsequent order under section 46 which applies to them is made, to pass a resolution—

  1. (a) adopting a code of conduct in place of their existing code of conduct under this section, or
  2. (b) revising their existing code of conduct under this section.")

146 Page 28, line 42, after ("resolution") insert— ("(a) adopt a code of conduct in place of their existing code of conduct under this section, or (b)")

147 Page 29, line 2, after ("code") insert ("of conduct")

148 Page 29, line 7, leave out ("in subsection (1)") and insert ("under subsection (1) or (1A)")

149 Page 29, line 11, after ("code") insert ("of conduct")

150 Page 29, line 17, leave out ("their principal office") and insert ("an office of the authority")

151 Page 29, line 24, leave out ("their principal office") and insert ("an office of the authority")

152 Page 29, line 26, leave out ("their principal office") and insert ("that office")

153 Page 29, line 28, after ("England") insert ("or a police authority in Wales")

154 Page 29, line 29, leave out ("or")

155 Page 29, line 31, at end insert— ("() Where a relevant authority themselves publish a newspaper, the duty to publish a notice under subsection (5)(b) is to be construed as a duty to publish that notice in their newspaper and at least one other newspaper circulating in their area.")

156 Page 29, line 35, leave out subsection (7)

157 Page 29, line 39, at end insert ("(and accordingly, in the case of a relevant authority to which section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 applies, is not to be a function to which that section applies)")

158 Page 29, line 40, leave out subsection (9)

159 Clause 48, page 29, line 43, at beginning insert ("A person who is a member or co-opted member of a relevant authority at a time when the authority adopts a code of conduct under section 47 for the first time—

  1. (a) must, before the end of the period of two months beginning with the date on which the code of conduct is adopted, give to the authority a written undertaking that in performing his functions he will observe the authority's code of conduct for the time being under section 47, and
  2. (b) if he fails to do so, is to cease to be a member or co-opted member at the end of that period.

160 Page 29, line 46, leave out ("existing code of conduct") and insert ("code of conduct for the time being")

161 Page 30, line 1, leave out subsection (2)

162 Page 30, line 10, leave out ("elected as") and insert ("who becomes")

163 Page 30, line 11, after ("apply") insert ("at any time after the authority has adopted a code of conduct under section 47 for the first time")

164 Page 30, line 13, leave out ("existing code of conduct") and insert ("code of conduct for the time being")

165 Page 30, line 14, leave out subsection (4)

166 Page 30, line 23, leave out ("Any person appointed as") and insert ("A person who becomes")

167 Page 30, line 23, at end insert ("at any time after the authority has adopted a code of conduct under section 47 for the first time")

168 Page 30, line 25, leave out ("existing code of conduct") and insert ("code of conduct for the time being")

169 Page 30, line 27, leave out subsections (6) to (8)

170 Clause 49, page 31, line 10, after ("England") insert ("or a police authority in Wales")

171 Page 31, line 10, leave out ("terms") and insert ("term")

172 Page 31, line 12, after ("England") insert ("or a police authority in Wales")

173 Page 31, line 23, at end insert ("and police authorities in Wales")

174 Page 31, line 25, leave out ("and") and insert— ("(ba) with respect to the access of the public to meetings of such committees, (bb) with respect to the publicity to be given to meetings of such committees, (bc) with respect to the production of agendas for, or records of, meetings of such committees, (bd) with respect to the availability to the public or members of relevant authorities of agendas for, records of or information connected with meetings of such committees,")

175 Page 31, line 30, leave out ("local") and insert ("relevant")

176 Page 31, line 30, after ("England") insert ("and police authorities in Wales")

177 Page 31, line 32, at end insert ("or a police authority in Wales")

178 Page 31, line 35, after ("England") insert ("and a police authority in Wales")

179 Page 31, line 38, after ("England") insert ("or a police authority in Wales")

180 Page 31, line 44, after ("Wales") insert ("other than police authorities")

181 Page 32, line 2, at end insert— ("() as to the term of office of members of any such committees,")

182 Page 32. line 7, leave out ("standards")

183 Page 32, line 9, at end insert— ("(da) with respect to the access of the public to meetings of such committees, (db) with respect to the publicity to be given to meetings of such committees, (dc) with respect to the production of agendas for, or records of, meetings of such committees, (dd) with respect to the availability to the public or members of relevant authorities of agendas for, records of or information connected with meetings of such committees,")

184 Page 32, line 10, after second ("of") insert ("any")

185 Page 32, line 12, after ("Wales") insert ("(other than police authorities)")

186 Page 32, line 15, at end insert— ("() The provision which may be made by virtue of subsection (6)(ba) to (bd) or (11)(da) to (dd) includes provision which applies or reproduces (with or without modifications) any provisions of Part VA of the Local Government Act 1972.")

187 Clause 50, page 32, line 34, at end insert ("and police authorities in Wales")

188 Page 32, line 37, at end insert ("(other than police authorities)")

189 Page 32, line 39, leave out ("local") and insert ("relevant")

190 Page 32, line 40, at end insert ("and police authorities in Wales")

191 Page 32, line 42, leave out ("local") and insert ("relevant")

192 Page 32, line 43, at end insert ("(other than police authorities)")

193 Page 32, line 44, leave out subsection (8)

194 Clause 51, page 33, line 23, leave out ("terms") and insert ("term")

195 Page 33, line 45, after ("and") insert ("(ba) to")

196 Page 34, line 7, leave out subsection (11) and insert— ("(11) Any function which by virtue of the following provisions of this Part is exercisable by or in relation to the standards committee of a relevant authority which is a parish council is to be exercisable by or in relation to—

  1. (a) the standards committee of the district council or unitary county council which is the responsible authority in relation to the parish council, or
  2. (b) where that standards committee has appointed a subcommittee under this section, that sub-committee;
and any reference in the following provision of this Part to the standards committee of a relevant authority which is a parish council is to be construed accordingly.")

197 Page 35, line 10, leave out subsection (7) and insert— ("(7) Any function which by virtue of the following provisions of this Part is exercisable by or in relation to the standards committee of a relevant authority which is a community council is to be exercisable by or in relation to—

  1. (a) the standards committee of the county council or county borough council in whose area the community council is situated, or
  2. (b) where that standards committee has appointed a subcommittee under this section, that sub-committee;
and any reference in the following provision of this Part to the standards committee of a relevant authority which is a community council is to be construed accordingly.")

198 Clause 53, page 35, line 25, leave out ("under") and insert ("by")

Baroness Farrington of Ribbleton

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 138 to 198.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 138 to 198.—(Baroness Farrington of Ribbleton.) On Question, Motion agreed to.