HL Deb 18 July 2000 vol 615 c887

19ZA.—(1) The Learning and Skills Council for England and the National Council for Education and Training for Wales shall be under a general duty to secure that the facilities falling within subsection (2) and any ancillary benefits or services are provided without racial discrimination.

(2) Facilities falling within this subsection are facilities for—

  1. (a) education,
  2. (b) training, and
  3. (c) organised leisure-time occupation connected with such education or training,
the provision of which is secured by the Learning and Skills Council for England or the National Council for Education and Training for Wales.

(3) The provisions of sections 25 and 45 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000 shall be the only sanction for breach of the general duty in subsection (1), but without prejudice to the enforcement of section 18A under section 57 or otherwise (where the breach is also a contravention of that section)."").

231Page 82, line 11, at end insert— (""(g) any institution which receives funding from the National Council for Education and Training for Wales (whatever proportion that funding represents of the institution's total funding) and which is specified in, or is of a class or description specified in, the regulations.