HL Deb 10 February 2000 vol 609 cc896-8

(" .—(1) The Council may secure the provision of facilities for the gaining of work experience by young persons receiving education.

(2) The Council may secure the provision of facilities designed to form links between (on the one hand) employers and (on the other) persons falling within subsection (3).

(3) The persons falling within this subsection are—

  1. (a) persons who provide education or training, and
  2. (b) persons who receive it and who have not attained the age of 19.

(4) A person is a young person m the period which—

  1. (a) starts with the beginning of the year in which he attains the age of 15, and
  2. (b) ends with the end of the year in which he attains the age of 19.

(5) A year is a year beginning with 1 September.").

The noble Lord said: The Committee will not have failed to notice that certain clauses relating to the English council have been left out of Part II which establishes the council for Wales. This particular Amendment No. 165 refers to a new clause which is entitled, Links between education and training and employment: Wales".

It is clearly an adaptation of Clause 8 in the English part of the Bill. I have adapted it to Welsh circumstances. I understand that the Government are considering whether to insert this clause or a similar measure at a later stage in our proceedings. If they believe that the clause needs adaptation, so be it. For my part, I would be content with it as it stands. I believe that the contents of the clause should apply to Wales as well as to England. I am bound to say that this clause led to an earlier debate and there was some concern expressed by my noble friend Lady Blatch about the open-ended nature of the power contained within the clause relating to further education governors. I think we will leave that to one side for the moment. I shall concentrate on the Government's response to this replica of Clause 8 which is entitled, as I have said, Links between education and training and employment: Wales".

I beg to move.

Baroness Farrington of Ribbleton

I ought to declare an interest before speaking to this amendment. I have members of my family who currently benefit from work experience placement schemes in Wales.

Work experience placements in Wales will be the responsibility of the careers service companies under contract to the National Assembly. We have already made provision in Clause 34 for the CETW to provide funding support to foster links between employers and those who provide or receive post-16 education and training. I hope therefore that the noble Lord will feel able to withdraw his amendment.

Lord Thomas of Gresford

I support the Government in their opposition to this amendment. Again it is a matter that has already been covered by the National Assembly in Wales. It has considered the matter and it is satisfied with the provisions made in Clause 34 with regard to financial provision and its view should prevail.

Lord Roberts of Conwy

I am grateful for the explanation that the noble Baroness has given. I understand the provision that is made in Clause 34 but I wanted to ascertain the reasoning behind the application of this clause to England but not to Wales. However, having been given the explanation, I beg leave to withdraw the amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Lord Roberts of Conwy moved Amendment No. 166: After Clause 38, insert the following new clause—