HL Deb 21 October 1999 vol 605 cc1322-3

(" .—(1) The Highways Act 1980 shall be amended as follows.

(2) In section 90G(1) (powers to carry out traffic calming works) at the end of paragraph (b) there shall be inserted "or

  1. (c) fall within section 90GA below,".

(3) In section 90G(2) for "subsection (1)" there shall be inserted "subsection (1)(a) or (b)".

(4) After section 90G there shall be inserted—

Special procedure for certain traffic calming works in


90GA.—(1) Traffic calming works fall within this section if—

  1. (a) the works are constructed by a local highway authority in Greater London, and
  2. (b) the requirements of subsection (2) and (3) have been complied with.

(2) The requirement of this subsection is that before starting to construct the works the authority concerned gives the Secretary of State notice stating—

  1. (a) the nature, dimensions and locations of the proposed works,
  2. (b) the type and description of signs which are proposed to be located in the highway in connection with the proposed hump, and
  3. (c) the period (of not less than one month) within which. and the address to which, the Secretary of State may send any comments on the proposal to the authority.

(4) The requirement of this subsection is that in deciding—

  1. (a) whether to proceed with the construction of the works, and
  2. (b) what the nature, dimensions and location of the works as constructed are to be,
the authority concerned has regard to any comments made by the Secretary of State within the period stated in the notice.".

(5) In section 901 for the words from "Works" to "authorisation" there shall be substituted—

"(1) Works (whenever constructed) to which this subsection applies".

(6) After section 90I there shall be inserted—

"(2) Subsection (1) applies—

  1. (a) to works of a description prescribed by regulations under section 90H above or specially authorised under section 90G above which conform to any requirements imposed by the regulations or authorisation, and
  2. (b) to works which fall within section 90GA.").

On Question, amendment agreed to.

Lord Whitty moved Amendment No. 484C: After Clause 231. insert the following new clause—