HL Deb 23 November 1999 vol 607 cc321-4
The Chairman of Committees

My Lords, I beg to move that the seven Motions relating to the appointment of Select Committees and the panel of Deputy Chairmen be agreed to en bloc.

—Moved, That pursuant to Standing Order 73 and the Resolution of the House of 16th December 1997, That as proposed by the Committee of Selection the following Lords he appointed to join with a Committee of the Commons as the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments:

and that the committee do meet with any committee appointed by the Commons this day at a quarter-past four o'clock.

—Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to report whether the provisions of any Bill inappropriately delegate legislative power, or whether they subject the exercise of legislative power to an inappropriate degree of parliamentary scrutiny; to report on documents laid before Parliament under Section 3(3) of the Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994 and on draft orders laid under Section 1(4) of that Act; and to perform, in respect of such documents and orders, the functions performed in respect of other instruments by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments;

That, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords be named of the committee:

That the committee have power to appoint sub-committees;

That the committee and any sub-committee have power to adjourn from place to place within the United Kingdom;

That the committee have power to co-opt any Lord for the purpose of serving on the committee or a sub-committee;

That the committee have power to appoint specialist advisers;

That the minutes of evidence taken before the committee or any sub-committee shall, if the committee think fit, be printed and delivered out;

That the committee do meet on Wednesday 1st December at half-past ten o'clock.

—Moved, That the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices be appointed and that, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords together with the Chairman of Committees be named of the committee:

—Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to advise the House on the resources required for Select Committee work and to allocate resources between Select Committees; to review the Select Committee work of the House; to consider requests for ad hoc committees and report to the House with recommendations; to ensure effective co-ordination between the two Houses; and to consider the availability of Lords to serve on committees;

That as proposed by the Committee of Selection the following Lords together with the Chairman of Committees be named of the committee:

That the committee have leave to report from time to time;

That the committee have power to appoint specialist advisers.

—Moved, That a Committee for Privileges be appointed and that, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords together with the Chairman of Committees and any four Lords of Appeal be named of the committee:

That the committee have power to appoint sub-committees and that such sub-committees have power to appoint their own chairman; and

That the committee have power to co-opt any Lord for the purposes of serving on any sub-committee.

That a Select Committee be appointed to consider personal Bills and that, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords together with the Chairman of Committees be named of the committee:

—Moved, That, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords be appointed as the panel of Lords to act as Deputy Chairmen of Committees for this Session:

On Question, Motion agreed to.