HL Deb 18 November 1999 vol 607 cc24-5
The Chairman of Committees (Lord Boston of Faversham)

My Lords, I beg to move the Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That in accordance with Standing Order 63 a Committee of Selection be appointed to select and propose to the House the names of the Lords to form each Select Committee of the House (except the Committee of Selection itself and any committee otherwise provided for by statute or by order of the House) or any other body not being a Select Committee referred to it by the Chairman of Committees, and the Panel of Deputy Chairmen of Committees; and that the following Lords together with the Chairman of Committees be named of the committee—

  • L. Burnham,
  • L. Carter,
  • L. Harris of Greenwich,
  • L. Henley,
  • B. Jay of Paddington,
  • L. McIntosh of Haringey,
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  • L. Rodgers of Quarry Bank,
  • L. Strathclyde,
  • V. Tenby,
  • L. Weatherill.—(The Chairman of Committees.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.