HL Deb 08 November 1999 vol 606 c1181

34 Clause 50, page 56, line 32, leave out ("26 weeks") and insert ("two years").

The Commons disagreed to this amendment but proposed the following amendment in lieu thereof— 34A Page 56, line 32, leave out ("26") and insert ("52").

Baroness Hollis of Heigham

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do not insist on their Amendment No. 34 to which the Commons have disagreed and do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 34A in lieu thereof.

Moved, That the House do not insist on their Amendment No. 34 to which the Commons have disagreed and do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 34A in lieu thereof.—(Baroness Hollis of Heigham.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.