Lords Sitting of 22 March 1999 Series 5 Vol. 598

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc951-4
  3. National Curriculum 1,222 words
  4. cc954-5
  5. Manchester United Football Club: MMC Report 488 words
  6. cc955-6
  7. Cuba: Exports 384 words
  8. cc956-60
  9. Ambassadors: Selection and Training 2,127 words
  10. c960
  11. Business 43 words
  12. cc960-90
  13. Procedure of the House: Select Committee Report 16,517 words, 1 division
  14. cc990-1004
  15. Education: Excellence in Cities 7,275 words
  16. cc1004-66
  17. Future Financing of the European Union: ECC Report 33,632 words
  18. cc1067-80
  19. Scottish Enterprise Bill 7,173 words
  20. cc1080-92
  21. Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies Bill [H.L.] 6,355 words
  22. cc1092-4
  23. International Mobile Satellite Organisation (Immunities and Privileges) Order 1999 656 words
  24. Northern Ireland (Sentences) Act 1998 (Specified Organisations) Order 1999
    1. cc1095-104
    2. Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1996 (Amendment) Order 1999 4,764 words
    3. cc1104-6
    4. Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1996 (Code of Practice) Order 1999 1,226 words
    5. cc1107-9
    6. Limit in Relation to Licences to Provide Radio Multiplex Services Order 1999 1,508 words
    7. cc1110-23
    8. New Opportunities Fund (Specification of Initiatives) Order 1999 7,292 words
    9. cc1124-38
    10. Gas Fuel for Motor Vehicles 7,591 words