Lords Sitting of 23 February 1999 Series 5 Vol. 597

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. c945
  3. Lord Imbert 37 words
  4. cc945-8
  5. ACP/EU Banana Production Agreement: Sanction Threat 1,346 words
  6. cc948-9
  7. Drigg: Processing of Nuclear Waste 471 words
  8. cc949-52
  9. Children's Rights 1,534 words
  10. cc952-5
  11. Eritrea and Ethiopia 1,291 words
  12. c955
  13. Business 113 words
  14. cc955-75
  15. House of Lords Reform 11,010 words
  16. cc976-92
  17. EMU: Outline National Changeover Plan 8,685 words
  18. cc992-1098
  19. House of Lords Reform 57,039 words, 1 division