HL Deb 06 December 1999 vol 607 cc1015-9
The Chairman of Committees (Lord Boston of Faversham)

My Lords, I beg to move that the Motions standing in my name on the Order Paper be agreed en bloc.

—Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider science and technology and that, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords be named of the Select Committee:

  • L. Haskel,
  • L. Howie of Troon,
  • L. Jenkin of Roding,
  • L. McColl of Dulwich,
  • L. Methuen,
  • L. Oxburgh,
  • L. Patel,
  • L. Perry of Walton,
  • B. Platt of Writtle,
  • L. Quirk,
  • L. Rea,
  • L. Tombs,
  • L. Wade of Chorlton,
  • L. Walton of Detchant,
  • B. Warwick of Undercliffe,
  • B. Wilcox,
  • L. Winston (Chairman.)
That the Committee have power to appoint sub-committees and that the Committee have power to appoint the chairmen of sub-committees;

That the Committee have power to co-opt any Lord for the purposes of serving on the Committee or any sub-committee;

That the Committee have leave to report from time to time;

That the Committee and any sub-committee have power to adjourn from place to place;

That the Committee and any sub-committee have power to appoint specialist advisers;

That the minutes of evidence taken before the Committee or any sub-committee from time to time shall, if the Committee think fit, be printed and delivered out; and

That the Committee do meet on Tuesday 7th December at a quarter before eleven o'clock.

—Moved, That the Select Committee on Procedure of the House be appointed and that, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords together with the Chairman of Committees be named of the Committee:

  • V. Allenby of Megiddo,
  • B. Anelay of St. Johns,
  • V. Bledisloe,
  • L. Burlison,
  • L. Burnham,
  • E. Caithness,
  • L. Carter,
  • L. Clarke of Hampstead,
  • L. Denham,
  • E. Ferrers,
  • B. Gould of Potternewton,
  • B. Hamwee,
  • L. Harris of Greenwich,
  • 1017
  • L. Henley,
  • L. Irvine of Lairg (Lord Chancellor),
  • B. Jay of Paddington,
  • L. Kimball,
  • B. Lockwood,
  • L. Mackay of Ardbrecknish,
  • L. Mancroft,
  • L. Rodgers of Quarry Bank,
  • L. Shepherd,
  • V. Simon,
  • L. Skelmersdale,
  • L. Strabolgi,
  • L. Strathclyde,
  • L. Tordoff,
  • L. Weatherill,
  • L. Williams of Mostyn.
—Moved, That a Select Committee on the Standing Orders relating to private Bills be appointed and that, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords together with the Chairman of Committees be named of the Committee:
  • B. Ashton of Upholland,
  • L. Brett,
  • V. Bridgeman,
  • L. Brougham and Vaux,
  • V. Falkland,
  • E. Liverpool,
  • E. Sandwich.
—Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider hybrid instruments and that, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords together with the Chairman of Committees be named of the Committee:
  • L. Brougham and Vaux,
  • L. Burnham,
  • E. Courtown,
  • V. Craigavon,
  • L. King of West Bromwich,
  • B. Thomas of Walliswood,
  • B. Wilkins.
—Moved, That, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords be appointed to serve as members of the Board of the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST):
  • E. Erroll,
  • L. Flowers,
  • L. Oxburgh,
  • L. Winston.
—Moved, That, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords be named as members of the Parliamentary Broadcasting Unit Limited (PARBUL):
  • L. Boston of Faversham,
  • L. Burnham,
  • L. Thomson of Monifieth.
—Moved, on behalf of the Committee of Selection, that the Earl of Onslow be appointed a member of the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments in the place of the Lord Burnham.

—Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider European Union documents and other matters relating to the European Union.

That the expression "European Union documents" shall include the following documents:

  1. (i) Any proposal under the Community Treaties for legislation by the Council or the Council acting jointly with the European Parliament;
  2. (ii) Any document which is published for submission to the European Council, the Council or the European Central Bank;
  3. (iii) Any proposal for a common strategy, a joint action or a common position under Title V (provisions on a common foreign and security policy) of the Treaty on European Union which is prepared for submission to the Council or to the European Council;
  4. (iv) Any proposal for a common position, framework decision, decision or a convention under Title VI (provisions on police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters) of the Treaty on European Union which is prepared for submission to the Council;
  5. (v) Any document (not falling within (ii), (iii) or (iv) above) which is published by one Union institution for or with a view to submission to another Union institution and which does not relate exclusively to consideration of any proposal for legislation;
  6. (vi) Any other document relating to European Union matters deposited in the House by a Minister of the Crown.
That, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the following Lords be named of the Committee:
  • V. Bledisloe,
  • L. Borrie,
  • L. Brooke of Alverthorpe,
  • V. Brookeborough,
  • B. Crawley,
  • L. Goodhart,
  • L. Hope of Craighead,
  • L. Howell of Guildford,
  • L. Hussey of North Bradley,
  • L. Lamont of Lerwick,
  • B. O'Cathain,
  • E. Selborne,
  • L. Tomlinson,
  • L. Tordoff (Chairman),
  • L. Trefgarne,
  • L. Wallace of Saltaire,
  • L. Williams of Elvel,
  • L. Willoughby de Broke.
That the Committee have power to appoint subcommittees and to refer to such sub-committees any of the matters within the terms of reference of the Committee; that the Committee have power to appoint the chairmen of sub-committees, but that such sub-committees have power to appoint their own chairman for the purpose of particular inquiries; that two be the quorum of such sub-committees;

That the Committee have power to co-opt any Lord for the purpose of serving on a sub-committee;

That the Committee have power to appoint specialist advisers;

That the Committee and any sub-committee have power to adjourn from place to place;

That the Committee have leave to report from time to time;

That the Reports of the Select Committee from time to time shall be printed, notwithstanding any adjournment of the House;

That the Minutes of Evidence taken before the European Communities Committee or any sub-committee thereof in the last session of Parliament be referred to the Committee;

That the Committee do meet on Tuesday 7th December at a quarter past four o'clock.—(The Chairman of Committees.)

On Question, Motions agreed to.