Lords Sitting of 19 June 1998 Series 5 Vol. 590

  1. Preamble 23 words
  2. cc1789-95
  3. Alliance & Leicester plc (Group Reorganisation) Bill [H.L.] 3,102 words
  4. cc1795-7
  5. Pesticides Bill 1,399 words
  6. c1797
  7. Fireworks Bill 2 words
  8. cc1798-804
  9. Public Interest Disclosure Bill 3,335 words
  10. c1804
  11. Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill 12 words
  12. cc1804-18
  13. Road Traffic Reduction (National Targets) Bill 7,077 words
  14. cc1818-20
  15. Deregulation (Deduction from Pay of Union Subscriptions) Order 1998 1,406 words
  16. cc1821-2
  17. Deregulation (Methylated Spirits Sale by Retail) (Scotland) Order 1998 820 words
  18. cc1822-6
  19. Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) Order 1998 2,181 words
  20. c1827
  21. Homelessness (Decisions on Referrals) (Scotland) Order 1998 400 words
  22. cc1827-8
  23. Homelessness (Decisions on Referrals) Order 1998 72 words
  24. cc1828-50
  25. NATO 11,971 words