HL Deb 10 July 1998 vol 591 cc1498-9

58 Clause 31, page 19, line 31, leave out & 12' and insert '12(1) to (3)'.

59 Clause 33, page 21, line 3, leave out '12' and insert '12(1) to (3)'.

Lord Williams of Mostyn

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 58 and 59.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 58 and 59.—(Lord Williams of Mostyn.)

Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne

My Lords, I rise to ask a question of the Minister, the noble Lord, Lord Williams of Mostyn, with regard to Amendment No. 58. That exemption is a first for the United Kingdom. It has been strongly argued. Will the Minister confirm that as his Written Answer of 8th April to my noble friend Lord Lester of Herne Hill indicates, the Data Protection Bill interpretation of Clause 31 will be applied by the courts and interpreted in accordance with the European legal principles of proportionality and legal certainty?

Lord Williams of Mostyn

My Lords, I am most grateful to the noble Baroness whose nomenclature I think I have more accurately than my noble and learned friend the Solicitor-General. I shall explain that joke to him later. The noble Baroness gave me notice of this matter and I affirm that what I said in the Written Answer remains correct.

On Question, Motion agreed to.