Lords Sitting of 17 July 1997 Series 5 Vol. 581

  1. Preamble 29 words
  2. cc1075-7
  3. Prison Remands: Number 1,153 words
  4. cc1077-80
  5. Helms-Burton Act: UK Trade with Cuba 1,103 words
  6. cc1080-2
  7. Teacher Training Curricula 1,044 words
  8. cc1082-4
  9. Leghold Traps: EU Fur Import Ban 791 words
  10. cc1084-5
  11. Business 823 words
  12. cc1085-90
  13. Parliamentary Privilege: Joint Committee 2,351 words
  14. cc1090-102
  15. Education (Schools) Bill 6,436 words, 2 divisions
  16. cc1102-10
  17. European Convergence Criteria: Deficit Assessment 3,676 words
  18. c1110
  19. Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 26 words
  20. cc1110-20
  21. Birmingham Hospitals 5,211 words