Lords Sitting of 23 May 1996 Series 5 Vol. 572

  1. Preamble 21 words
  2. cc971-4
  3. British Coal Enterprise: Dispersal of Functions 1,481 words
  4. cc974-5
  5. Charity Commission: Deregistration Powers 406 words
  6. cc975-8
  7. Commemorative Stamps 1,401 words
  8. cc978-80
  9. Council of Ministers: UK Attendance 910 words
  10. c980
  11. Hong Kong (War Wives and Widows) (No. 2) Bill [H.L.] 65 words
  12. c980
  13. Business of the House: Debate this Day 60 words
  14. c980
  15. Disabled Persons and Carers (Short-term Breaks) Bill [H.L.] 15 words
  16. c980
  17. Law Reform (Year and a Day Rule) Bill 6 words
  18. cc980-2
  19. Deregulation (Gaming Machines and Betting Office Facilities) Order 1996 887 words
  20. cc982-4
  21. Deregulation (Industrial and Provident Societies) Order 1996 1,047 words
  22. cc984-1024
  23. Careers in Science Research 21,017 words
  24. cc1024-5
  25. Dogs (Fouling of Land) Bill 72 words
  26. cc1025-76
  27. Crime: Sentencing Policy 27,579 words