Lords Sitting of 29 June 1995 Series 5 Vol. 565

  1. Preamble 30 words
  2. cc861-3
  3. St. Pancras Chambers: Future 1,230 words
  4. cc863-6
  5. Domestic Workers from Overseas 1,256 words
  6. cc866-8
  7. "Bull Bars" 1,119 words
  8. cc868-70
  9. Private Members' Bills: Parliamentary Time 971 words
  10. c870
  11. Business of the House: Summer Recess 56 words
  12. cc870-1
  13. Child Support Bill 62 words
  14. c871
  15. Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Bill [H.L.] 2 words
  16. cc871-900
  17. Medical (Professional Performance) Bill 15,509 words
  18. cc900-16
  19. Code of Practice on Industrial Action Ballots and Notice to Employers 1995 8,851 words
  20. cc916-7
  21. Companies (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 1995 525 words
  22. cc917-8
  23. Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (No. 4) Order 220 words
  24. cc918-9
  25. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Modification) Order 1995 386 words
  26. cc919-30
  27. Breast Milk Substitutes 5,897 words
  28. c930
  29. Sheffield Assay Office Bill 17 words