§ Article 15 - Identity card
§ 1. The identity card of the civil defence personnel provided for in Article 66, paragraph 3, of the Protocol is governed by the relevant provisions of Article 2 of these Regulations.
§ 2. The identity card for civil defence personnel may follow the model shown in Figure 3.
§ 3. If civil defence personnel are permitted to carry light individual weapons, an entry to that effect should be made on the card mentioned.
1879§ Article 16 - International distinctive sign
§ 1. The international distinctive sign of civil defence provided for in Article 66, paragraph 4, of the Protocol is an equilateral blue triangle on an orange ground. A model is shown in Figure 4:
§ 2. It is recommended that:
- (a) if the blue triangle is on a flag or armlet or tabard, the ground to the triangle be the orange flag, armlet or tabard;
- (b) one of the angles of the triangle be pointed vertically upwards;
- (c) no angle of the triangle touch the edge of the orange ground.
§ 3. The international distinctive sign shall be as large as appropriate under the circumstances. The distinctive sign shall, whenever possible, be displayed on flat surfaces or on flags visible from as many directions and from as far away as possible. Subject to the instructions of the competent authority, civil defence personnel shall, as far as possible, wear headgear and clothing bearing the international distinctive sign. At night or when visibility is reduced, the sign may be lighted or illuminated; it may also be made of materials rendering it recognisable by technical means of detection.