§ Article 2 - Identity card for permanent civilian medical and
religious personnel
§ 1. The identity card for permanent civilian medical and religious personnel referred to in Article 18, paragraph 3, of the Protocol should:
- (a) bear the distinctive emblem and be of such size that it can be carried in the pocket;
- (b) be as durable as practicable;
- (c) be worded in the national or official language and, in addition and when appropriate, in the local language of the region concerned;
- (d) mention the name, the date of birth (or, if that date is not available, the age at the time of issue) and the identity number, if any, of the holder;
- (e) state in what capacity the holder is entitled to the protection of the Conventions and of the Protocol;
- (f) bear the photograph of the holder as well as his signature or his thumbprint, or both;
- (g) bear the stamp and signature of the competent authority;
- (h) state the date of issue and date of expiry of the card;
- (i) indicate, whenever possible, the holder's blood group, on the reverse side of the card.
§ 2. The identity card shall be uniform throughout the territory of each High Contracting Party and, as far as possible, of the same type for all Parties to the conflict. The Parties to the conflict may be guided by the single-language model shown in Figure 1. At the outbreak of hostilities, they shall transmit to each other a specimen of the model they are using, if such model differs from that shown in Figure 1. The identity card shall be made out, if possible, in duplicate, one copy being kept by the issuing authority, which should maintain control of the cards which it has issued.
§ 3. In no circumstances may permanent civilian medical and religious personnel be deprived of their identity cards. In the event of the loss of a card, they shall be entitled to obtain a duplicate copy.
§ Article 3 - Identity card for temporary civilian medical and
religious personnel
§ 1. The identity card for temporary civilian medical and religious personnel should, whenever possible, be similar to that provided for in Article 1 of these Regulations. The Parties to the conflict may be guided by the model shown in Figure 1.
§ 2. When circumstances preclude the provision to temporary civilian medical and religious personnel of identity cards similar to those described in Article 2 of these Regulations, the said personnel may be provided with a certificate signed by the competent authority certifying that the person to whom it is issued is assigned to duty as temporary personnel and stating, if possible, the duration of such assignment and his right to wear the distinctive emblem. The certificate should mention the holder's name and date of birth (or if that is not available, his age at the time when the certificate was issued), his function and identity number, if any. It shall bear his signature or his thumbprint, or both.