Lords Sitting of 20 July 1995 Series 5 Vol. 566

  1. Preamble 30 words
  2. cc369-70
  3. Whitemoor Prison: Disorders 734 words
  4. cc370-3
  5. Reserve Armed Forces 1,463 words
  6. cc373-4
  7. Spelthorne, Surrey: Local Government Review 462 words
  8. cc374-8
  9. Former Yugoslavia 1,632 words
  10. cc378-83
  11. House of Lords Offices: Select Committee Report 3,159 words
  12. cc383-4
  13. Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Bill [H.L.] 72 words
  14. c384
  15. Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Bill [H.L.] 69 words
  16. cc384-5
  17. Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Bill [H.L.] 471 words
  18. c385
  19. Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Bill [H.L.] 143 words
  20. cc386-434
  21. Disability Discrimination Bill 25,873 words, 1 division
  22. c434
  23. Legal Advice and Assistance (Scope) (Amendment) Regulations 1995 249 words
  24. cc434-76
  25. Disability Discrimination Bill 21,556 words