HL Deb 12 July 1995 vol 565 c1716

128 Clause 62, page 39, line 41, at end insert: '() Regulations may provide that this section does not apply to trust schemes falling within a prescribed class or description.'.

129 Clause 63, page 40, line 29, at end insert 'or'.

130 Page 40, line 31, leave out from 'scheme' to end of line 34.

131 Clause 66, page 41, line 39, after 'made' insert 'in respect of a scheme other than a public service pension scheme'.

132 Clause 67, page 42, line 25, leave out from 'benefits' to first `the' in line 26 and insert 'which, in the opinion of the trustees are derived from'.

133 Page 42, line 27, leave out from 'contributions' to end of line 29.

134 Page 42, line 30, leave out paragraph (b) and insert: `(b) where a person's entitlement to payment of pension or other benefits has arisen, liability for that pension or benefit and for any pension or other benefit which will be payable to dependants of that person on his death (but excluding increases to pensions)'.

135 Page 42, line 33, after 'accrued' insert 'to or in respect of any member of the scheme (but excluding increases to pensions)'.

136 Clause 68, page 43, line 25, leave out from 'the' to end of line 26 and insert 'member'.

137 Page 43, line 33, leave out 'on account' and insert 'in respect'.

138 Clause 70, page 45, line 7, after 'scheme insert 'in any circumstances'.

139 Page 45, line 11, leave out from beginning to 'to' and insert 'in those circumstances power is conferred on the employer or the trustees'.

140 Page 45, line 13, leave out subsection (2).

141 Page 45, line 16, leave out from '(1) (c)' to 'unless' in line 18 and insert 'cannot be exercised'.

142 Page 45, line 27, leave out paragraph (c).

143 Page 46, line 4, leave out from `(1) (c)' to 'without' in line 5.

144 Clause 71, page 46, line 15, after 'scheme' insert 'in any circumstances'.

145 Page 46, line 25, leave out paragraph (f) and insert: `() the scheme prohibits the distribution of assets to the employer in those circumstances'.

146 Page 47, line 2, at end insert: `() Regulations may modify this section as it applies in prescribed circumstances.'.

Lord Mackay of Ardbrecknish

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 128 to 146. I have already spoken to the amendments in earlier debates.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 128 to 146.—(Lord Mackay of Ardbrecknish.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.

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