HL Deb 23 November 1993 vol 550 cc140-1
The Chairman of Committees

My Lords, I beg to move the fourth Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider Community proposals, whether in draft or otherwise, to obtain all necessary information about them, and to make reports on those which, in the opinion of the Committee, raise important questions of policy or principle, and on other questions to which the Committee considers that the special attention of the House should be drawn;

That, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the Lords following be named of the Committee:

That the Committee has power to appoint Sub-Committees and to refer to such Sub-Committees any of the matters within the terms of reference of the Committee; that the Committee has power to appoint the Chairmen of Sub-Committees, but that such Sub-Committees have power to appoint their own Chairman for the purpose of particular enquiries; that two be the quorum of such Sub-Committees;

That the Committee has power to co-opt any Lord for the purpose of serving on a Sub-Committee;

That the Committee has power to appoint specialist advisers;

That the Committee and any Sub-Committee have power to adjourn from place to place;

That the Committee has leave to report from time to time;

That the Reports of the Select Committee from time to time shall be printed, notwithstanding any adjournment of the House;

That the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee or any Sub-Committee from time to time shall, if the Committee thinks fit, be printed and delivered out;

That the Minutes of Evidence taken before the European Communities Committee or any Sub-Committee in the last session of Parliament be referred to the Committee.—(The Chairman of Committees.)

Lord Renton

My Lords, I wish to make a very brief point about Scottish representation. I see that there is one Scottish Peer among those named for selection for this committee, but in view of the special legal position of Scotland within the United Kingdom under the Act of Union I ask that it should be borne in mind that it is highly desirable that at least one Scottish lawyer should be on Sub-Committee E, which considers legal matters within the European Community.

The Chairman of Committees

My Lords, I note what my noble friend says but I believe that it is difficult to be specific about having Scottish representation increased on the committee. However, there is always the power of co-option. If that should be the thought of the committee, no doubt it could so arrange.

Lord Ezra

My Lords, in view of the fact that the Treaty of Maastricht has now been ratified and the European Union has now been created, I find it surprising that no reference is made to that in the terms of reference. Are we to take it that the committee will not be empowered to consider matters arising directly from the European Union, and particularly the two new pillars dealing with home and foreign affairs?

The Chairman of Committees

My Lords, I have just been advised that a report is in preparation on the specific point which the noble Lord, Lord Ezra, has just raised. If he will be kind enough to await the receipt of that report his worries may be resolved.

On Question, Motion agreed to.