HL Deb 10 March 1993 vol 543 cc1054-6

2.42 p.m.

Lord Norrie asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress is being made on completing the Queen Elizabeth Gate at Hyde Park Corner.

Viscount Astor

My Lords, the Queen Elizabeth Gate is being erected by the Hyde Park Appeal Fund. I understand that the fund is on course to complete the gate in time for its scheduled opening in July this year.

Lord Norrie

My Lords, I am grateful for the Minister's reply. Can he confirm whether Westminster City Council has reservations about the details of the plan? If so, can he tell the House what those reservations are and whether that will lead to further delays? Can the noble Viscount also tell us whether the appeal fund is on target to raise sufficient funds?

Viscount Astor

My Lords, planning permission was agreed in May 1992 but was subject to a Section 106 agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. I understand that Westminster City Council is discussing the terms with the appeal fund in respect of a number of subjects, particularly maintenance and the finish of the gates. We hope that agreement will be reached in the near future.

The cost of the project is estimated to be £1.5 million and we understand that the Hyde Park Appeal Fund is on course to raise that sum and the money for future maintenance from public donations and sponsorship.

Lord Donoughue

My Lords, is the Minister aware that for some length of time recently London motorists were irritated to find that the project blocked their way with long lines of red cones but there were no workmen in sight? Is he further aware that very recently, since the publication of this Question, much activity has been observed on the site? Would it assist the Minister, and the Queen Mother, if we were to put down a Question each week in order to secure the completion of the project?

Viscount Astor

My Lords, the fact that work has started is proof that this Question has had a desired effect. The main part of the work is the building of the gate, which is taking place in Southampton at present. We think that the gate will be ready. I am glad to tell your Lordships that Her Majesty the Queen has agreed to perform the opening ceremony in July this year.

Lord Brougham and Vaux

My Lords, can the Minister say whether account has been taken of traffic considerations both while the gate is being constructed and once it is open?

Viscount Astor

Yes, my Lords. We and the appeal fund have had detailed negotiations with Westminster City Council, as the highway authority, to ensure that the roadworks are completed in a safe manner and meet traffic safety requirements. Although there is a single lane now and some traffic congestion, the final width of the gate will allow two queues of slow-moving cars to enter Park Lane. We hope that in future the park will revert to a cone-free zone.

Lord Tordoff

My Lords, the noble Viscount said that he thinks that the gate will be ready. Does he mean that he thinks it will be ready, that he hopes it will be ready, that he believes it will be ready or knows it will be ready?

Viscount Astor

My Lords, I mean all the first three but not necessarily the last.

Lord Marlesford

My Lords, will my noble friend see whether it is possible to use this most important development as a means of obtaining better facilities for bicycles at Hyde Park Corner, which is a particularly dangerous place to negotiate?

Viscount Astor

My Lords, the noble Lord has a particular interest in bicycling. I hope that when he bicycles through the park he will find that it is not one way and therefore he will not have to cycle the wrong way up any street.