HL Deb 28 June 1993 vol 547 cc589-90
The Earl of Caithness

My Lords, I beg to move the Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That it be an instruction to the Committee of the Whole House to whom the Railways Bill has been committed that they consider the Bill in the following order—

  • Clause 1,
  • Schedule 1,
  • Clause 2,
  • Schedule 2,
  • Clause 3,
  • Schedule 3,
  • Clauses 4 to 42,
  • Schedule 4,
  • Clauses 43 to 53,
  • Schedules 5 and 6,
  • Clauses 54 to 90,
  • Schedule 7,
  • Clauses 91 to 105,
  • Schedule 8,
  • Clauses 106 to 119,
  • Schedule 9,
  • Clauses 120 and 121,
  • Schedule 10,
  • Clauses 122 to 138,
  • Schedules 11 to 13,
  • Clauses 139 and 140.—(The Earl of Caithness.)

Lord Tordoff

My Lords, I have no objection to what is proposed, but perhaps I may take the opportunity to ask when the report of the Delegated Powers Scrutiny Committee relating to the Railways Bill will be published, in order that noble Lords taking part in the Committee stage on Thursday may have the benefit of the wisdom of that Select Committee.

The Earl of Caithness

My Lords, I understand that the committee sat this morning and hopes to publish its report tomorrow.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

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