HL Deb 17 December 1993 vol 550 c1505
The Chairman of Committees (Lord Ampthill)

My Lords, I beg to move the Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That as proposed by the Committee of Selection the following Lords together with the Chairman of Committees be named of the Public Bill Committee to consider the Bill—

  • L. Airedale,
  • V. Allenby of Megiddo,
  • V. Goschen,
  • B. Hamwee,
  • E. Harrowby,
  • L. Haskel,
  • B. Hooper,
  • L. Howie of Troon,
  • L. Lucas of Chilworth,
  • L. Lyell,
  • L. Macaulay of Bragar, L. Monson,
  • L. Oliver of Aylmerton,
  • L. Peston,
  • L. Reay,
  • L. Strathclyde.
That the procedure of the Committee be so far as possible that of a Committee of the Whole House;

That the report of the Committee's debates be published from day to day and the Minutes of the Committee's proceedings be published as appendices to the Minutes of Proceedings of the House;

That the Committee do meet on Thursday 13th January next at half-past ten o'clock in the Moses Room.—(The Chairman of Committees.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.