HL Deb 11 March 1992 vol 536 cc1372-3

6.20 p.m.

Lord Hesketh

My Lords, with the leave of the House, I should like to make a Statement about the rest of the week's business. As I said to your Lordships in my earlier Statement, tomorrow's business will be as previously arranged, with the exception that the Third Reading of the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Bill will be taken immediately after the Report stage, subject to the agreement of your Lordships to the suspension of Standing Order 44.

The business for Friday will be as follows, again subject to the agreement of your Lordships to the Business of the House Motion: the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, Second Reading and remaining stages; the Competition and Service (Utilities) Bill, Report and Third Reading; the Transport and Works Bill, Second Reading and remaining stages; and the Timeshare Bill, Second Reading and remaining stages. There will follow the orders at present on the Order Paper. Finally, the House will proceed to the Sea Fisheries (Wildlife and Conservation) Bill, Second Reading and remaining stages.

I should point out to your Lordships that the Clerk of the Parliaments has made arrangements for amendments to all Bills, which have not yet received their Second Readings, to be tabled forthwith. That means that your Lordships will, if you wish, be able to raise matters in Committee on those Bills which will be receiving their Second Reading on Friday.

The business for Monday will be dependent on the arrangements for business for the rest of this week in another place. I therefore intend to make a further business Statement tomorrow.

On a more domestic note, it may be for the convenience of your Lordships to know that dinner will be available in the Dining Room tomorrow night when the Barry Room will also of course be open. The Barry Room will, exceptionally, be open for lunch on Friday, as of course will the Dining Room. Tea will also be available in the Dining Room on Friday, and I do not anticipate that your Lordships need be concerned about dinner in the House on Friday night.