Lords Sitting of 6 November 1991 Series 5 Vol. 532

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc211-3
  3. Sunday Trading: Scotland 1,194 words
  4. cc213-5
  5. Real Interest Rates 588 words
  6. cc215-6
  7. Hospital In-Patients: Benefit Reductions 627 words
  8. cc216-7
  9. Nuclear Weapons 495 words
  10. c217
  11. Business 35 words
  12. cc217-30
  13. Address in Reply to Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech 6,915 words
  14. cc230-45
  15. Autumn Statement 8,008 words
  16. cc246-316
  17. Address in Reply to Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech 38,061 words
  18. c316
  19. Severn Bridges Bill 33 words