Lords Sitting of 3 June 1991 Series 5 Vol. 529

  1. Preamble 29 words
  2. cc427-9
  3. Rented Housing in Rural Areas 1,153 words
  4. cc429-32
  5. Retail Prices Index: Food Component 1,453 words
  6. cc432-4
  7. Wild Birds and the Pet Trade 682 words
  8. cc434-5
  9. Test Ban Treaty Conference: UK Position 854 words
  10. cc435-6
  11. Business 52 words
  12. c436
  13. Oversea Superannuation Bill 6 words
  14. cc436-63
  15. British Technology Group Bill 14,646 words
  16. cc463-74
  17. Staffordshire Children's Homes: Report 5,981 words
  18. cc475-519
  19. European Agreements: ECC Report 23,568 words
  20. cc519-23
  21. Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Bill 1,969 words
  22. cc523-34
  23. Pathological Services 5,010 words