Lords Sitting of 24 January 1991 Series 5 Vol. 525

  1. Preamble 41 words
  2. cc327-8
  3. Air Transport: Slot Allocations 495 words
  4. cc328-30
  5. National Curriculum: Pupil Assessment 743 words
  6. cc330-1
  7. Gulf War: Casualty Dispersal Plans 759 words
  8. cc331-3
  9. The Baltic Republics: Independence Dispute 721 words
  10. c333
  11. Business of the House: Debate, 30th January 89 words
  12. c333
  13. Deputy Chairman of Committees 48 words
  14. cc333-4
  15. Consolidation Bills: Joint Committee 175 words
  16. c334
  17. Crime of Vagrancy (Abolition) Bill [H.L.] 65 words
  18. cc334-444
  19. New Roads and Street Works Bill [H.L.] 19,145 words, 1 division
    1. cc362-86
    2. Terms of Concession Agreements 12,834 words
    3. cc386-94
    4. Extension toll orders 4,275 words
    5. c394
    6. Community Charges (Substitute Setting) Bill 21 words
    7. cc395-423
    8. New Roads and Street Works Bill [H.L.] 14,547 words
    9. c423
    10. General duty of undertakers to co-operate 207 words
    11. cc423-34
    12. Duty of undertakers to facilitate the tracing of nonmetallic pipes, etc 5,524 words