Lords Sitting of 14 January 1991 Series 5 Vol. 524

  1. Preamble 27 words
  2. cc973-6
  3. Sir John Sainty: Tributes 1,851 words
  4. cc976-7
  5. Clerk of the Parliaments 271 words
  6. c977
  7. Clerk Assistant of the Parliaments 114 words
  8. c977
  9. Reading Clerk and Clerk of Outdoor Committees 118 words
  10. cc977-80
  11. British Steel and Scotland 1,308 words
  12. cc980-2
  13. Olympic Games: Venue in the Year 2000 884 words
  14. cc982-4
  15. Private Hospitals: Gulf Emergency 964 words
  16. cc984-6
  17. Unemployment 1,076 words
  18. cc986-7
  19. Business of the House: Debates, 23rd January 87 words
  20. c987
  21. Examiner of Petitions for Private Bills 54 words
  22. c987
  23. Development Board for Rural Wales Bill 65 words
  24. cc987-1045
  25. Statutory Sick Pay Bill 30,787 words, 2 divisions
  26. cc1045-57
  27. Maintenance Enforcement Bill [H.L.] 6,039 words
  28. cc1057-79
  29. Indoor/Outdoor Wheelchair Provision 11,465 words
  30. c1080
  31. Avon Light Rail Transist Bill [H.L.] 10 words