Lords Sitting of 2 December 1991 Series 5 Vol. 533

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc1-4
  3. British Shipping: Government Support 1,178 words
  4. cc4-6
  5. Concorde 1,161 words
  6. cc7-8
  7. Leadenham Bypass 701 words
  8. cc8-11
  9. Driving Licence Renewals for 70 Year- Olds 1,243 words
  10. c11
  11. Business 63 words
  12. cc11-72
  13. Local Government Bill [H.L.] 31,605 words, 2 divisions
  14. c72
  15. Welsh Development Agency Bill 12 words
  16. cc72-7
  17. Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Oil Pollution) (Amendment) Order 1991 2,717 words
  18. cc77-8
  19. Building Societies Act 1986 (Modifications) (No. 2) Order 1991 525 words
  20. cc78-90
  21. Local Government Bill [H.L.] 5,454 words, 1 division