Lords Sitting of 15 April 1991 Series 5 Vol. 527

  1. Preamble 27 words
  2. cc1249-50
  3. Algeciras-Gibraltar: Shipping Services 586 words
  4. cc1250-2
  5. Pornographic Advertisements 997 words
  6. cc1253-4
  7. Kurdish Refugees 771 words
  8. cc1254-6
  9. Property Repossessions 966 words
  10. c1256
  11. Business 40 words
  12. c1257
  13. Deer Bill [H.L.] 189 words
  14. cc1257-67
  15. Disability Living Allowance and Disability Working Allowance Bill 5,396 words, 1 division
  16. cc1267-77
  17. Iraq: Kurdish Refugees 5,160 words
  18. cc1277-303
  19. Disability Living Allowance and Disability Working Allowance Bill 14,068 words, 2 divisions
  20. cc1303-18
  21. Televising the Proceedings of the House: Select Committee Report 8,064 words
  22. cc1318-34
  23. Medicinal Products: Proposed EC Regulation 8,493 words