HL Deb 30 October 1990 vol 522 c1797

2 Clause 16, page 14, line 11, after ("programmes") insert ("and documentaries")

The Commons disagreed to the above amendment for the following reason—

2A because it is undesirable to confer a special status on documentaries.

3 Clause 16, page 14, line 15, at end insert: ("(aa) that a sufficient amount of time is given in the programmes included in the service to programmes with an educational purpose; (ab) that a sufficient amount of time is given in the programmes included in the service to social action programmes.")

The Commons disagreed to the above amendment for the following reason—

3A because it is undesirable to confer a special status on programmes with an educational purpose and social action programmes.

4 Clause 16, page 14, line 42, at end insert: ("(fa) that programmes of each type are shown at appropriate times of the day and week, having regard to the potential viewers of programmes of that type;")

The Commons disagreed to the above amendment for the following reason—

4A because it is undesirable for the Independent Television Commission to be concerned with the scheduling of programmes.

Earl Ferrers

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do not insist on their Amendments Nos. 2 to 4 to which the Commons have disagreed for reasons numbered 2A to 4A.

Moved, That the House do not insist on their Amendments Nos. 2 to 4 to which the Commons have disagreed for reasons numbered 2A to 4A.—(Earl Ferrers.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.