HL Deb 24 October 1990 vol 522 c1510

264 Page 128, line 10, at end insert:


.—(1) Subsection (2) of section (Notaries) and the repeal by this Act of the provisions relating to the serving of apprenticeships mentioned in subsection (3) of that section shall not have effect in relation to any person who, at the date on which subsection (2) of that section comes into force, is serving such an apprenticeship.

(2) The Master of the Faculties may make rules providing—

  1. (a) for a reduction in the period of apprenticeship of any person to whom this paragraph applies with a view to securing that no such person is required to undertake a period of training longer than the period which he would have been required to undertake, by virtue of rules made by the Master, had he started his training after the commencement of subsection (2) of section (Notaries); or
  2. (b) for all such apprenticeships to be brought to an end on such day as may be prescribed.'.

The Lord Chancellor

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 264. I spoke to this amendment with Amendment No. 110.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 264.—(The Lord Chancellor.).

On Question, Motion agreed to.