HL Deb 27 November 1989 vol 513 cc237-9

Lord Hatch of Lusby asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is their policy towards the Government of Nicaragua and why the Prime Minister met Senora Violeta Barrios de Chamorro.

Lord Reay

My Lords, we maintain normal relations with the Nicaraguan Government. Senora Violeta Barrios de Chamorro visited the United Kingdom from 10th to 14th November in the course of a tour of the United States and Europe. Her meeting with the Prime Minister demonstrated our support for the Central American peace process and for moves to create a genuine pluralist democracy in Nicaragua.

Lord Hatch of Lusby

My Lords, is it not the policy of the Government to refuse to receive any representative of groups wedded to violence, or does this only apply to those who have been practising violence against state violence in countries such as South Africa? If that is the case, how is it that the Prime Minister can meet the leader of a group which is not only wedded to violence but which is also practising violence against the Government of Nicaragua which was elected, according to our Government, by free and fair elections?

Lord Reay

My Lords, Senora Chamorro is the presidential candidate of the Nicaraguan Union of National Opposition in the elections due to be held in Nicaragua on 25th February. She is the widow of Pedro Chamorro, who was a leading opponent of former President Somoza and who was assassinated in 1978. She enjoys very considerable popularity. Both she and her newspaper La Prensa have been symbols of hope through both the Somoza and the Sandinista periods.

My right honourable friend the Prime Minister saw Senora Chamorro to demonstrate our support for the democratic process in Nicaragua.

Lord Cledwyn of Penrhos

My Lords, on the question of our policy towards Nicaragua, and given that Nicaragua is the poorest in terms of output in the whole American continent, can the Minister say what aid Her Majesty's Government are giving to that country? I understand that War on Want, Christian Aid and other organisations are pressing the Government to increase such aid. We are in fact giving 40 times as much to Costa Rica, a much more wealthy country.

Lord Reay

My Lords, through the European Community the United Kingdom is a substantial aid donor to Nicaragua. In 1988 the United Kingdom share of funds committed to Nicaragua was £3.3 million. In addition, we gave generously in response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Joan.

Lord Kennet

My Lords, is it not time for both sides of the argument in this country and, indeed, in the United States, to try to put an end to the polarisation of opinion over Nicaragua? Is the noble Lord aware, and does he know whether the Prime Minister is aware, that in the coalition led by Senora Chamorro there are many parties one of which, the Communist Party of Nicaragua, is in opposition to the Sandinista Government and although losing at the last election fought a very good campaign against them?

Lord Reay

My Lords, our policy is to support the introduction of genuine pluralistic democracy in Nicaragua. Accordingly, along with others in the international community, we are concerned to see that the elections due to be held in February are freely and fairly conducted.

Lord Cledwyn of Penrhos

My Lords, I am grateful to the noble Lord for his reply. Is he not aware that the aid given through the EC is food aid and not development aid? In view of the enormous devastation which has been caused by the unnecessary war in Nicaragua, the country needs development aid. Will Her Majesty's Government not consider increasing such aid?

Lord Reay

My Lords, it is my understanding that the food aid is sold on the market and the counterpart aid is then available for development purposes.

Lord Hatch of Lusby

My Lords, the noble Lord did not answer my original question. Is it the case that Senora Chamorro represents a group which includes those who are wedded to violence and are practising it against the duly elected Sandinista Government? If that is the case, how does it come about that the Prime Minister is prepared to meet Senora Chamorro whereas she is not prepared to meet those like the leaders of the ANC in South Africa?

Lord Reay

My Lords, Senora Chamorro is supported by 14 political parties which represent a very broad spectrum of opinion. It is normal for Ministers to receive leaders of democratic opposition parties. The Prime Minister also received President Ortega when he visited London in May. Senora Chamorro visited other European capitals after London where I understand that she was also received at an appropriately high level.

Lord Hatch of Lusby

My Lords, the noble Lord has still not answered my question. Is it the case that Senora Chamorro is supported by at least one group that is wedded to and practising violence against the duly elected Government of Nicaragua?

Lord Reay

My Lords, Senora Chamorro is a figure of considerable political stature and national appeal and a leading presidential candidate. As I have said, my right honourable friend saw Senora Chamorro in order to demonstrate our support for the democratic process in Nicaragua.

Lord Beloff

My Lords, does my noble friend agree that the main importance of Nicaragua is as a channel for Soviet arms into Latin America? Is it not time that Mr. Gorbachev liquidated his empire in the new world as well as in the old?

Lord Reay

Yes, my Lords.

Noble Lords

Next Question!

Lord Hatch of Lusby

My Lords, do the Government then agree that the Sandinista Government are agents of the Soviet Union?

Lord Reay

No, my Lords, I did not say that. I repeat that our intention is to do all that we can to see that the process of introducing pluralistic democracy in Nicaragua takes place.

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