HL Deb 13 November 1989 vol 512 cc1165-9

465 Page 228, line 20, at end insert—

'Transactions with directors not requiring authorization

4A. In section 321 of the Companies Act 1985 (exceptions from provisions requiring authorisation for substantial property transactions with directors, &c.), after subsection (3) insert— (4) Section 320(1) does not apply to a transaction on a recognised investment exchange which is effected by a director, or a person connected with him, through the agency of a person who in relation to the transaction acts as an independent broker. For this purpose an "independent broker" means—

  1. (a) in relation to a transaction on behalf of a director, a person who independently of the director selects the person with whom the transaction is to be effected, and
  2. (b) in relation to a transaction on behalf of a person connected with a director, a person who independently of that person or the director selects the person with whom the transaction is to be effected;
and "recognised", in relation to an investment exchange, means recognised under the Financial Services Act 1986.'.

Lord Trefgarne

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree wth the Commons in their Amendment No. 465. I shall speak at the same time to Amendments Nos. 467, 468 and 469. These amendments makes further minor changes to the 1985 Act which I shall explain if noble Lords require me to.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in the said amendment.—(Lord Trefgarne.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.

466 Page 229, line 6, at end insert—

'Delivery of documents by overseas companies

8A. In Chapter I of Part XXIII of the Companies Act 1985 (oversea companies: registration, &c.), for section 696 (office where documents to be filed) substitute—

"Registrar to whom documents to be delivered.

696.—(1) References to the registar in relation to an oversea company (except references n Chapter III of this Part (registration of charges): see section 703CC), shall be construed in accordance with the following provisions.

(2) The documents which an oversea company is required to deliver to the registrar shall be delivered—

  1. (a) to the registrar for England and Wales if the company has established a place of business in England and Wales, and
  2. (b) to the registrar for Scotland if the company has established a place of business in Scotland;
and if the company has an established place of business in both parts of Great Britain, the documents shall be delivered to both registrars.

(3) If a company ceases to have a place of business in either part of Great Britain, it shall forthwith give notice of that fact to the registrar for that part; and from the date on which notice is so given it is no longer obliged to deliver documents to that registrar.'.'.

467 Page 229, line 32, at end insert—

'Exemptions from limit of 20 on members of partnership

9A.—(1) Section 716 of the Companies Act 1985 (prohibition of formation of company, association or partnership with more than 20 members unless registered as company, &c.) is amended as follows.

(2) In subsection (2) (exemptions), after paragraph (c) insert— (d) for any purpose prescribed by regulations (which may include a purpose mentioned above), of a partnership of a description so prescribed."; and omit the words inserted by paragraph 22 of Schedule 16 to the Financial Services Act 1986.

(3) For subsections (3) and (4) substitute— (3) In subsection (2)(a) "solicitor"—

  1. (a) in relation to England and Wales, means solicitor of the Supreme Court, and
  2. (b) in relation to Scotland, means a person enrolled or deemed enrolled as a solicitor in pursuance of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980.

(4) In subsection (2)(c) "recognised stock exchange" means—

  1. (a) The International Stock Exchange of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland Limited, and
  2. (b) any other stock exchange for the time being recognised for the purposes of this section by the Secretary of State by order made by statutory instrument."

9B.—(1) Section 717 of the Companies Act 1985 (limited partnerships: limit on number of members) is amended as follows.

(2) In subsection (1) (exemptions from limit of 20 members under section 4(2) of Limited Partnerships Act 1907), after paragraph (c) insert— (d) to a partnership carrying on business of any description prescribed by regulations (which may include a business of any description mentioned above), of a partnership of a description so prescribed."; and omit the words inserted by paragraph 22 of Schedule 16 to the Financial Services Act 1986.

(3) For subsections (2) and (3) substitute— (2) In subsection (1)(a) "solicitor"—

  1. (a) in relation to England and Wales, means solicitor of the Supreme Court, and
  2. (b) in relation to Scotland, means a person enrolled or deemed enrolled as a solicitor in pursuance of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980.

(3) In subsection (1)(c) "recognised stock exchange" means—

  1. (a) The International Stock Exchange of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland Limited, and
  2. (b) any other stock exchange for the time being recognised for the purposes of this section by the Secretary of State by order made by statutory instrument.".

Meaning of "officer who is in default"

9C. In section 730 of the Companies Act 1985 (punishment of offences), in subsection (5) (meaning of "officer who is in default"), after "company" (twice) insert "or other body".

Offences committed by partnerships and other unincorporated bodies

9D. In section 734 of the Companies Act 1985 (criminal proceedings against unincorporated bodies), at the end add— (5) Where such an offence committed by a partnership is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of, a partner, he as well as the partnership is guilty of the offence and liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. (6) Where such an offence committed by an unincorporated body (other than a partnership) is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of, any officer of the body or any member of its governing body, he as well as the body is guilty of the offence and liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.".'.

468 Page 229, line 38, at end, insert—

'Index of defined expressions

11. In Part XXVI of the Companies Act 1985 (interpretation), after section 744 insert—

"Index of defined expressions.

744A. The following Table shows provisions defining or otherwise explaining expressions for the purposes of this Act generally—

accounting reference date, sections 224 and
accounting reference period 742(1)
acquisition (in relation to non-cash asset) section 739(2)
agent section 744
allotment (and related expressions section 738
annual accounts sections 261(2), 262(1) and 742(1)
annual general meeting section 366
annual return section 363
articles section 744
authorised minimum section 118
balance sheet and balance sheet date sections 261(2), 262(1) and 742(1)
bank holiday section 744
banking company section 744
body corporate section 740
books and papers, books or papers section 744
called-up share capital section 737(1)
capital redemption reserve section 170(1)
the Companies Acts section 744
companies charges register company section 397
section 735(1)
the Consequential Provisions Act section 744
corporation section 740
the court (in relation to a company) section 744
current assets sections 262(1) and 742(1)
debenture section 744
director section 741(1)
document section 744
elective resolution section 379A
employees' share scheme section 743
equity share capital section 744
existing company section 735(1)
extraordinary general meeting section 368
extraordinary resolution section 378(1)
financial year (of a company) sections 223 and 742(1)
fixed assets sections 262(1) and 742(1)
floating charge (in Scotland) section 462
the former Companies Acts section 735(1)
the Gazette section 744
hire-purchase agreement section 744
holding company section 736
the Insider Dealing Act section 744
the Insolvency Act section 735A(1)
insurance company section 744
the Joint Stock Companies Acts section 735(3)
limited company section 1(2)
member (of a company) section 22
memorandum (in relation to a company) section 744
non-cash asset section 739(1)
number (in relation to shares) section 744
office copy (in relation to a court order in Scotland) section 743A
officer (in relation to a body corporate) section 744
official seal (in relation to the registrar of companies) section 744
oversea company section 744
overseas branch register section 362
paid up (and related expressions) section 738
parent company and parent undertaking sections 257 and 742(1)
place of business section 744
prescribed section 744
private company section 1(3)
profit and loss account sections 261(2), 262(1) and 742(1)
prospectus section 744
public company section 1(3)
realised profits or losses sections 262(2A) and 742(2)
registered number (of a company) section 705(1)
registered office (of a company) section 287
registrar and registrar of companies) section 744
resolution for reducing share capital section 135(3)
shadow director section 741(2) and (3)
share section 744
share premium account section 130(1)
share warrant section 188
special notice (in relation to a resolution) section 379
special resolution section 378(2)
subsidiary section 736
subsidiary undertaking sections 257 and 742(1)
transfer (in relation to a non-cash asset) section 739(2)
uncalled share capital section 737(2)
undistributable reserves section 264(3)
unlimited company section 1(2)
unregistered company section 718
wholly-owned subsidiary section 736(6).".'.

469 Page 229, line 38, at end, insert—

`Fraudulent trading by unregistered companies.

12. In Schedule 22 to the Companies Act 1985 (provisions applying to unregistered companies), at the appropriate place insert—

"Part XVI Fraudulent trading by a company. —".'.
Lord Trefgarne

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 466 to 469.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in the said amendments. — (Lord Trefgarne.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.