HL Deb 08 November 1989 vol 512 cc848-9

250 Clause 74, page 64, line 32, leave out 'conferred by' and insert 'of the Lord Chancellor or the Secretary of State under'.

251 Page 64, line 33, after 'regulations' insert 'or rules'.

252 Page 64, line 33, leave out 'or 47(3)' and insert 47(3), (Local authority failure to comply with statutory duty: default power of Secretary of State) or (Privacy for children involved in certain proceedings) (4)'.

253 Page 64, line 37, after ' 15(4)' insert',(Application to Channel Islands) or 77(2),'.

The Lord Chancellor

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 250 to 253. I should like at the same time to speak to Amendment No. 269.

Amendment No. 250 is a drafting amendment which alters Clause 74(1) to provide that the powers of the Lord Chancellor or of the Secretary of State under the Bill to make orders or regulations will, save for specified exceptions, be exercisable by statutory instrument.

Amendment No. 251 makes the same provision for rules of court. Amendment No. 252 provides certain exemptions from the general requirement. Amendment No. 253 provides that any statutory instruments made under Amendment No. 269 would be exceptions to the provisions in Clause 74(2), requiring generally that orders, rules and regulations be subject to the negative resolution procedure permitting an annulment following a resolution by either House.

Amendment No. 269 confers power to extend the Bill to the Channel Islands by Order in Council.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in the said amendments. —(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.