HL Deb 19 December 1989 vol 514 c121
The Lord Advocate (Lord Fraser of Carmyllie)

My Lords, on behalf of my noble friend Lord Sanderson of Bowden, I beg to introduce a Bill as respects Scotland to make new provision for the regulation of charities; to provide for the establishment of a board to regulate the provision of conveyancing and confirmation services by persons other than solicitors, advocates and incorporated practices; to provide as to rights of audience in courts of law, legal services and judicial appointments, and for the establishment and functions of an ombudsman in relation to legal services; to amend the law relating to liquor licensing; to provide as to probation and community service orders and the supervision and care of persons on probation and on release from prison, as to fines and as to imprisonment; to reduce the periods of non-cohabitation which go to establish irretrievable breakdown of marriage for the purposes of the law relating to separation and divorce; to provide a system for the settlement by arbitration of international commercial disputes; and to make certain other miscellaneous reforms of the law. I beg to move that the Bill be now read a first time.

Moved, That the Bill be now read a first time. —(Lord Fraser of Carmyllie.)

On Question, Bill read a first time, and to be printed.

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