HL Deb 10 October 1988 vol 500 c590

3.21 p.m.

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

My Lords, I beg leave to present a petition from the tenants, residents and workers of the London Borough of Hammersmith in the following terms. They believe that the proposals contained in the Housing Bill will, first, undermine the rights of council tenants, private tenants and housing association tenants and threaten their security of tenure; secondly, lead to exorbitant rent levels which will push rented housing out of the reach of those in greatest need; thirdly, do nothing to solve the crisis of homelessness or increase the supply of decent rented housing; and fourthly, threaten the jobs of local authority housing workers.

It may be for the convenience of the House, and entirely in accordance with Standing Order No. 70, if I say that I have three boxes of similar petitions from council tenants with which I shall not weary the House by presenting individually.

Petition presented.

Lord Jenkins of Putney

My Lords, I beg to present a petition from 1,871 residents of Wandsworth which prays that this House will reject or amend the Housing Bill which I think they regard as blasphemous in its present form.

Petition presented.