HL Deb 10 October 1988 vol 500 cc591-2

3.24 p.m.

The Chairman of Committees

My Lords, I beg to move the second Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That the Fifth Report from the Select Committee (HL Paper 101) be agreed to.—(The Chairman of Committees.)

The Report was as follows:

The Committee have met and been attended by the Clerk Assistant and the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod.


The Committee approved the appointment of Lord Walston to the Administration and Finance Sub-Committees in place of Baroness Stedman.


A report from the Library Sub-Committee for 1987 was laid before the Committee.

3.Refreshment Department

The Committee received a report from the Refreshment Department Sub-Committee concerning the outbreak of food poisoning in May 1988; and took note with approval of the sub-Committee's proposals for redesigning and extending the kitchen and dining areas.

The Committee also approved a statement of Accounts for the Financial year 1987–88.

4.Staff of the House

A report by the Chairman was made to the Committee who agreed to:

  1. (i) the provision of a contribution to the House of Commons towards the cost of the shared post of Welfare Officer;
  2. (ii) the creation of additional posts of clerical officer for the Printed Paper Office and part-time cleaner for new rooms provided for the Accountant's and Establishment Offices:
  3. (iii) the regrading of one higher executive officer in the Parliament Office to senior executive officer. the replacement of one executive officer post in the Library by an additional Assistant Librarian; and
  4. (iv) upgrading, on a personal basis, of one senior clerical officer post in the Hansard Office to executive officer and one executive officer in the Record Office Sound Archive to audio technician.

The Committee also authorised the payment of a proficiency allowance to a clerical officer in the Committee Office.


The Committee approved an increase in the complement of the security force.

6.Parliament Office

The Committee were informed of the appointment of Mrs. F. Martin as Chief Clerk.

7.Internal Audit

The Committee were informed of the appointment of Mr. A. A. Cameron as Internal Auditor.


The Committee approved that provision be made in the House of Lords' Vote to meet:

  1. (i) a share of the cost of the 10th anniversary meeting of the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation to he held in London in 1989; and
  2. (ii) a share of the travel costs of a visit by a Deputy Speaker to Leon in Spain to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Cortes of Castile and Leon.

9.Revised Scales of Pay and Allowances

The Committee confirmed the application of the following Civil Service memoranda to staff of the House of Lords:

10. Hansard Reporting Staff

The Committee approved payment of a revised scale of charges for the supply of agency typists.

11. Superannuation

The Committee were notified of the following awards made under the House of Lords. Staff Pension Scheme:

  1. (a) Pension and lump sum to Mr. J. E. Grey, CB, Clerk Assistant, who retired on 1st April 1988.
  2. (b) Revised pension and lump sum to Mr. P. M. Eglinton, Senior Reporter, who retired on 1st February 1988.
  3. (c) Revised pension and lump sum to Mr. A. M. Daws, Senior Reporter, who retired on 1st February 1988.
  4. (d) Pension and lump sum to Mr. K. W. Haywood, Senior Clerical Officer, who retired on 9th April 1988.
  5. (e) Revised Pension and lump sum to Mrs. F. Dunn, BEM. Head Housemaid, who retired on 23rd April 1988.
  6. (f) Pension and lump sum to Mrs. D. V. R. Sharp, Cleaner, who retired on 26th March 1988.
  7. (g) Pension and lump sum to Mrs. P. Arnold, Cleaner, who retired on 7th May 1988.
  8. (h) Pension and lump sum to Mrs. A. M. Ames, General Assistant, who retired on 1st April 1988.
  9. (i) Pension and lump sum to Mrs. M. M. Curniffe, General Assistant, who retired on ill-health grounds, on 2nd April 1988.
  10. (j) Preserved pension and lump sum to Mrs. E. P. O'Connell, Supervisor of Typists. who resigned on 30th September 1987.
  11. (k) Short service payment to Miss C. M. Henry, Bar Assistant, who resigned on 1st April 1988.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

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