HL Deb 12 May 1988 vol 496 cc1279-80

7.5 p.m.

Lord Beaverbrook rose to move, That the draft order laid before the House on 12th April be approved [23rd Report from the Joint Committee].

The noble Lord said: My Lords, the purpose of this order is to implement Council Directive 87/356/EEC, which is a simple harmonisation measure to establish throughout the Community a mandatory and exclusive range of quantities between 10 grams and 1 kilogram in which knitting yarns can be packed. From 1st January 1990 only yarn packed in the quantities in the range will be permitted on the EC market. These will then be guaranteed free circulation in the Community.

The mandatory range has the backing of all European Community countries and European Community producers, including UK knitting yarn manufacturers. The coherent size range will help consumers to make value for money comparisons, ensure producers compete on equal terms in the quantities in which they pack and guarantee access to Community markets. The directive which the order implements was debated in the House of Commons Second Standing Committee on European Community Documents on 12th November last year. The committee unanimously agreed that legislation in that area would be desirable and supported the adoption of an effective measure which would help the creation of a common market for knitting yarns.

I firmly believe that it would be in our best interests that the directive should be implemented in the UK and commend the draft order to the House.

Finally, I am sure that your Lordships will wish to know that this order was considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments, but the committee did not draw the special attention of your Lordships' House to it. I beg to move.

Moved, That the draft order laid before the House on 12th April be approved [23rd Report from the Joint Committee].—(Lord Beaverbrook.)

Baroness Ewart-Biggs

My Lords, I thank the Minister for explaining this important development about knitting yarns. I should like to support the measure from this side of the House.

On Question, Motion agreed to.